Semight launched a new PXIe precision power supply/measurement unit S2012C. The minimum measurement resolution is 10fA/100nV, and the output voltage is up to ± 200V. It further expands the application scenario of PXIE Source meter unit. Engineers can use S2012C SMU (Source Measure Unit) to measure low current signals. At the same time, the high channel density, high-speed test throughput and flexibility of PXIE SMU can realize wafer level parameter testing, material research, and analysis of low current sensor and integrated circuit characteristics.
S2012C resolution is up to 10fA/100nV, voltage accuracy is 100 μ 5. The current accuracy is 10pA, which can be used to measure small leakage current and other applications. The leakage current is usually at pA level. S2012C is equipped with 3 coaxial measuring terminals for small current testing below nA level.
Adaptive PFC system
The user can use the Adaptive PFC (Precision Fast Control) system. The user can adjust relevant parameters according to the load characteristics to obtain more accurate and fast output characteristics.
High speed measurement
The S2012C can support a maximum sampling rate of 1M. The NPLC and sampling rate can be set as required to meet high-speed and high-precision measurement scenarios.
Building multi-channel parallel test system
The modular architecture based on PXIE facilitates the construction of a compact parallel multi-channel test system, which can be expanded to hundreds of channels to meet the requirements of wafer level reliability and parallel testing.
DC I-V output capacity
Pulse I-V output capacity
SMU product family
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