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Semight Instruments "Favoured" by Visitors at electronica china
Date:2024.07.11 Visits:490

The electronica china 2024 comes to a happy ending. Thanks to more than 200 visitors who showed up at our booth. We expect to see you again next year!

Semight Instruments successfully demonstrates our technology leading in #SMU product, especially in high accuracy (#SMU3022F) and high voltage (#SMU3030F) test & measurement.

Hot products


Integrated 4-quadrant sourcing and measuring capabilities

Measurement range: ±3500 V, ±120mA(DC)

Minimum measurement resolution up to 1fA/100 uV

Fast measurement


Integrated 4-quadrant sourcing and measuring capabilities

Measurement range: ±200 V, ±3 A (DC), ±10 A (pulsed)

Source and measurement resolution down to 100 fA and 100 nV

Fast measurement


Measurement range:±4.5 V、±10 mADC/PulseSupports up to 1M sampling rate   Min: 100μ Resolution: 1 μs

Utilizing Adaptive PFC(Precise-Fast Control)System,Users can adjust relevant parameters based on load characteristics


Precision-fast Control (Adaptive PFC) system

Integrated 4-quadrant sourcing and measuring capabilities

Measurement range: ±200 V, ±1 A (DC), ±3 A (pulsed)

Source and measurement resolution down to 1 fA and 100 nV

Exhibition Moments

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