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Semight Instruments showcases leading testing equipment to meet you at SEMICON TAIWAN 2024.
Date:2024.08.18 Visits:337

At the SEMICON Show, we will showcase our cutting-edge solutions, including PB6600 SiC KGD Test System, WLBI3800 Wafer Level Burn-In System, and PLR0010 Package-Level Reliability Test Equipment. Furthermore, we will be conducting live demonstrations of the S3030F-3500V High-Voltage SMU and other products during the show.

We can't wait to see you there and share these innovations firsthand! Your presence at the event is highly anticipated and valued.

Booth:  I-2926, K-2806, Hall 1

Date: September 4-6, 2024

Venue: Taipei TaiNEX 1&2

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