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New upgrade | DCA6201-Support single-wavelength 100G PAM4 and 50G PON eye diagram test
Date:2023.02.26 Visits:823

At the beginning of the new year, ChatGPT is popular all over the world, triggering the demand for higher computing power. Cloud infrastructure, switches, optical communications, data centers, and telecom operators will all promote the upgrading of computing power infrastructure to meet the exponentially growing demand for computing power

The demand for high-speed optical modules is further increasing

With the advent of the 5G era and the acceleration of digital transformation, the rapid development of the data center market, the high-speed optical module market will continue to expand, and the demand for high-speed optical modules such as 400G and 800G will further increase

In 2022, more than 3 million 400GbE modules will be deployed in global data centers, and the latest 51.2Tbps switch chips supporting 112Gbps PAM-4 interfaces will also be on the market. In 2023, more equipment suppliers will launch related products, corresponding to 800GbE Modules, most of which adopt 2x400GbE mode or 8x100Gbps will gradually enter commercial use

Steady evolution of 50G PON

Metaverse, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), ultra-high-definition video, games, cloud games, and video communication applications require higher uplink and downlink bandwidth to achieve reliable high-bandwidth connections and ensure user experience

50G PON has advantages in terms of delay, power consumption, size, and cost, and can better support application scenarios such as cloud games and holographic interaction. 50G PON is already a deterministic next-generation PON evolution route, which will Gradually meet the conditions for large-scale commercial use

AR/VR / Holographic Interaction

Semight Test Solution

50G PON OLT launch eye diagram test

50G PON OLT introduces the TDEC test method for testing the downlink OLT transmitter, TDEC test conditions:

Test pattern SSPR(Defined in Annex 2.D.2 of OIF-CEI-04.0 [b-OIF].)

Fourth order Bessel Thomson filter, 3db bandwidth 18.75GHz

The receiving end adopts 13 Tap FFE equalizer

50G OLT Test Environment


Semight Instruments DCA6201 sampling oscilloscope supports 50G PON OLT testing, combined with Semight Instruments 56Gbaud optical clock recovery unit, it provides a complete test solution for the R&D and production of 50G PON

DCA6201 50G TDEC test

53Gbaud PAM4 eye diagram test

800G optical modules are currently on the market with 4x100Gx2 and 8x100G two scheme architectures. The optical signals of the two schemes are 53Gbaud. Semight Instruments DCA6201 sampling oscilloscope supports up to 4 channels of 53Gbaud PAM4 eye diagram testing. It has compact structure, low cost, and high test speed. Fast, suitable for R&D and mass production of 400G/800G optical modules

800G optical module 53Gbaud PAM4 optical eye diagram

DCA6201 Sampling Oscilloscope

1. A variety of Filter options, 25.78/26.56/27.95/28.05Gbps, 26.5625/28.9Gbaud PAM4

2. The filter range can be extended through SIRC (12.44Gbaud~56Gbaud)

3. Support 53Gbaud PAM4 (SIRC) eye diagram test

4.  Support 50G PON OLT TDEC (SIRC) test

5.  Calibrated reference receiver that meets industry frequency response tolerances

6.  Support single-mode and multi-mode testing, wavelength range 750~1650nm

7. Support NRZ and PAM4 testing

8. Fast test speed

9. High measurement consistency

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