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    Does multimode VOA support reverse direction?

    No, it can only be input and output
  • Q

    Why is there a correspondence between the wavelength and the wavelength ID in the C # DLL library provided by the single-mode VOA, and how to obtain a wavelength ID?

    The wavelength ID is calibrated according to the sequence of all the acquired wavelength lists, and the wavelength ID is calibrated from 1.

    a. You need to obtain the wavelength list of the current device calibration through the function querywavelengthlist (uint32 deviceid), as follows (take single-mode as an example):

    The waveengthid corresponding to the wavelength 1270 is 1, and the waveengthid corresponding to the wavelength 1310 is 3
    Since there is only one wavelength for multimode VOA, the waveengthid corresponding to 850 is 1
    b. And then set the wavelength, attenuation, etc. according to the obtained waveengthid corresponding to each wavelength.

  • Q

    Why is the insertion loss of multimode VOA large or the power monitoring inaccurate?

    (1) : first check whether the fiber end face flange end face is dirty (you can use the end face detector to check the state of the end face), and then clean the lower end face with a cleaning pen or a face tag.
    (2) : check whether the input / output flange core is damaged.
  • Q

    Why can't multimode VOA USB & network ports communicate?

    (1) If it is USB communication: first check whether the serial port driver is installed. You can go to the device manager to see whether the corresponding COM port can be recognized normally.
    (2) For network port communication: ensure that the device IP and the PC Ethernet IP are in the same network segment (the default factory IP is port: 20108). You can read and set the device IP on the info interface through the USB connection GUI.
  • Q

    How to determine whether the multimode VOA optical attenuator has power monitoring?

    Intuitively, you can see whether there is InputPower & outputpower on the LCD UI panel
  • Q

    Why does the power never change when the att value is set after the single-mode VOA is connected to the GUI?

    Confirm whether the current device is in the power lock mode. Because the output of a power value is always locked in the power lock mode, the power will not change no matter the att value cannot be set. It is necessary to press the modeswitch button for a long time to switch to the closed-loop or open-loop mode
  • Q

    What wavelengths does single-mode VOA optical attenuation support?

    The default factory calibration wavelength is 127012901310133014901550
  • Q

    What is the type of single-mode VOA interface?

    The default is UPC (if APC is required, special instructions are required).
  • Q

    Does single mode VOA support reverse direction?

    No, it can only be input and output
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